91. Complete Workout for the Total Self (Seeria täielikuks endaks)
92. Sat Nam Rasayan - Shock - To Awaken Intelligence
93. Kriya for the Instinctual Self (Kriya instinktiivsuse jaoks)
94. Removing Body Blocks (Keha blokeeringute eemaldamine)
95. To Understand Your Goodness (Enda headuse mõistmiseks)
96. Self-Adjustment of the Spine (Selja eneseregulatsioon)
97. Movement Relaxation Series (Lõõgastumise seeria)
98. Sat Nam Rasayan - Activate the Vagus Nerve - Let Go of Your Limitations
99. The Navel Center and Elimination (Naba keskus ja väljutamine)
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RavikodaSat Nam RasayanYogi Tea