46. Pranayama Series to Balance Prana and Apana (Hingamise seeria Prana ja Apana tasakaalustamiseks)
47. Spinal Awakening and Centering (Seljaaju aktiveerimine)
48. Clean the Lymphatic System (Lümfisüsteemi puhastamine)
49. Exercises to Create a Disease-Free Body (Harjutused haiguste vaba keha loomiseks)
50. Kriya for Physical and Mental Vitality (Kriya füüsilisele ja vaimsele elujõule)
51. Experiencing the Relationship of the Pranic Body and the Physical Body (Praana- ja füüsilisekeha vahelise suhte kogemine)
52. Balance of Prana and Apana (Prana ja Apana tasakaal)
53. Sat Nam Rasayan - For Contentment - Self Renewal
54. For the Left and Right Hemispheres of the Brain (Vasakule- ja paremale ajupoolkerale)
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